Vietnam Evisa form is an online form to get Vietnam e-visa provided by the Vietnam Immigration Department. It is completely done online by the e-visa applicant him/herself. One application is for one applicant and the children under 14 years old sharing his/her passport only. In case your group has more than 01 applicants, you need separate applications for each.
As this form contains a lot of information, here you will find the instruction to complete it. It will guide you through 02 steps, consisting of preparation and filling out.
1. Preparation before Completing the Evisa Online Application Form for Vietnam
Before you go with the Vietnam e visa online application form, you must prepare the following:
- A photo in .jpg format of your full passport data page. Your photo should be at least 06 months in validity.
- An e-visa photo in .jpg format (4×6, white background, without glasses)
- A valid international credit or debit card
- An email address for support purposes
In case any of those items are not ready, your application process will be interrupted.
2. How to fill the Vietnam Evisa form online

Vietnam evisa application form online
Here is a full guide to complete your e-visa form online for Vietnam, which covering 5 steps as follows:
- Open the official website for Vietnam’s e-Visa Application
- Upload .jpg images of your passport data page and passport photo
- Fill up all required info from your passport data page
- Fill up all required info regarding your trip, including:
- Full name (Vietnam e-visa name order should be First name, Middle name, Last name);
- Sex;
- Date of birth (in (DD/MM/YYYY format);
- Current nationality (the nationality on the passport you are using to enter Vietnam);
- Religion (for Vietnam e-visa religion, you can put your current religion or put “None”);
- Occupation (Vietnam e-visa occupation is an optional field, and you can put whatever you normally do or just leave it blank);
- Passport Number;
- Type of passport;
- Expiry date;
- Intended length of stay;
- Intended temporary residential address in Vietnam (For Vietnam e-visa temporary address, you can put the address of your first hotel in Vietnam);
- City/Province (Put the city/province where your intended temporary address is located);
- Date of entry;
- Entry gate (it should be one of the 33 e-visa entry points and you cannot change it after you submit your e-visa application, and then your e-visa only works for such checkpoint);
- Exit date;
- Contact details: Email, phone.
- Pay the e-Visa fee using any of the payment methods offered. This fee is US$25 and non-refundable in case your evisa application is refused by the Immigration Department.
- Receive your registration code and save the number to check your e-visa status and download your e-visa once it is issued here.
That’s all guiding you how to fill out your Vietnam e-visa application form with the Immigration Department of Vietnam. Hopefully, this guide will make our e-visa application process for Vietnam fast and simple.